jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

Class 4: bishop

Class 4: minigame bishop´s beware

How does the bishop move?

Bishop (B – black, b – white)
The Bishop is the second minor,
yet vital, piece in the game of chess.
The Bishop can move diagonally any
number of squares in any direction.

Bishop's Beware

Intention: This game helps beginner player’s become more aware of having a bishop on opposing colors.

Introduce the movements of the bishop
(any number of moves diagonally) and
point out they have one on each color.

Wrap up –Orally summarize what has
taken place. Have students write one
or two summarizing sentences in their

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Class 3: pawns

Class 3: minigame 

pawn parade

pawn moves

Now let´s play a minigame to learn how to move he pawn:

Lesson 1 - Pawn Parade
Vocabulary – strategy, opponent, illegal, move, check, checkmate, capture

The purpose of this
game is to move the pawn to the
other side of the board. The player
who gets the most pawns over “wins”. Be creative! 

Change colors each time You
-The pawns move only one space forward, except to capture when they can
move one space diagonally forward. 

-Two pawns that meet "head on" are
stuck and cannot move. 

-The second exception is
their first move, when they can move two spaces forward.

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016

Class 2: notation

Class 2: notation and spelling

The alphabeth


Let's spell some words. Do You can spell your name?
Can You spell the chess pieces names?

Hangman game

It's time to play a classic game to practice spelling